Automated Calculation
The costing of printed matter in print shops is still one of the most complex and technically demanding tasks. For many print shops this means time and resources that can be better used.
Our calculation, based on artificial intelligence and a knowledge database, revolutionizes your entire calculation process. Our solution is based on an intelligent system that automatically calculates offer prices in just a few steps and determines the optimal production routes, including across different printing processes. For a large part of the calculations, this process can also be carried out by less experienced employees. This saves time and gives you the freedom you can use for other tasks.
Fully integrated production planning
In the event of an order, each new order is automatically transferred to production planning. In addition to a digital order bag that is created individually for each workstation, a classic order bag is also printed, which can also be used in the conventional way.
After successful transfer to production planning, the work plan with all relevant dates is transferred to the planning board and all work steps are planned.
Another advantage of our knowledge database is the ability to learn on the basis of additional input from specialists. All new orders or optimized production routes that have been added by the specialists are automatically available to all other users.
Smart processes = maximum sales
At the beginning, the printed product and the desired quantity are defined. The user proceeds in a similar way to an online shop. When selecting the products, you can also take multi-part products such as brochures or books and all possible further processing steps into account.
Then it is calculated which processes and machines are suitable for the production of the print products. Then we determine the required cost centers and work steps for each production route and calculate the machine and personnel times as well as the material costs for the specified order sizes.
If you cannot do all the work of an order internally, you have the option of adding external work. The system automatically creates a request for the selected service provider and adds all relevant information from the calculation to the request.
Our calculation software enables employees to create an offer with a click and send it to the customer. Part of the automatic calculation is a web solution that is used via a browser and works like an online shop. In this way, sales representatives can even calculate offers on site at customers’ premises.